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The 2023-2024 MegaKnytes

Top Row: Blake, Dillon, Zachary, Noah, Mason

Middle Row: Isaac, Landon, James, Cody, Juliette

Front Row: Violet, Kaio, Claire, Jocelyn, Frank

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Team Leads:

Zachary - Captain, Hardware Lead

Dillion  - Project Manager

Cody - Software Lead

James - Pit Lead

Claire - Marketing Lead


Hardware Team:

Zachary, Dillon, James, Mason, Frank, Isaac, Jocelyn, Blake, Landon, Kaio


Software Team:

Cody, Noah, Violet



Claire, Juliette



The 2022-2023 MegaKnytes

Top Row: Mason, James, Dillon, Zachary

Front Row: Isaac, Claire, Frank, Emma, Cody

Team Leads:

Zachary - Captain, Hardware Lead

Cody - Software Lead

Dillion  - Project Manager

James - Pit Lead


Hardware Team:

Zachary, Dillon, James, Mason, Frank, Isaac


Software Team:

Emma, Cody, Claire


Marketing: All




The 2021-2022 MegaKnytes

Top Row: Mason, Nathan, Dillon, Adarsh

Front Row: Cody, James, Samara, Zachary, Emma

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Team Leads:

Samara - Captain, Software Lead

Adarsh - Hardware Lead

Nathan - CAD Lead


Hardware Team:

Adarsh, Zachary, Dillon, James, Mason, Nathan


Software Team:

Samara, Emma, Cody


Marketing: All



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