Our Mission
FIRST Aid is a program created by the MegaKnytes team #11093, in partnership with FIRST, to bring FIRST teams and their robot design skills together to help children in their local community. FIRST teams are developing industry-level skills in robotics design and FIRST Aid gives those teams the ability to apply their skills to help others. The robots they produce are for children that could benefit from simple robots to help them with everyday tasks.
The program began when the MegaKnytes offered to build simple robots for two boys with Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy that lived next door to one of their team members. As the
project progressed the MegaKnytes realized that there were many children that could benefit from similar robots and FIRST had a pool of skilled, robotics students eager to help others.
The FIRST Aid web site is a portal where families, FIRST teams and sponsors / mentors can register and be brought together as a team to help others in their local community. The robots produced by the FIRST Aid program are called Simple Task Assist Robots or STAR.
Visit the STAR page to learn more about what STAR robots are and are not. ​
Families interested in a Simple Task Assist Robot (STAR) can register to be paired with a FIRST robotics team in their area that will either build a robot from existing designs found on FIRST Aid or work with the family to custom design a STAR robot just for them
Teams interested in participating in FIRST Aid will register their team and have access to a list of families in their area that are waiting to receive a STAR. They will also have access to our STAR repository of existing robot designs that they can build themselves (if it meets the child’s needs) or use as a starting point to improve on.
Mentors and/or sponsors can register to be paired with a team in their community that could either use help with design or help financially with the supplies needed to build the robot.